Lila’s Birth Story

Quick details:

Gestation: 38+2

Delivery: C-section

Total time in labor/ delivery: 10 hours

Pain management: epidural @ 6cm

Birth weight: 5 lbs 12 oz

As a first-time mom, I had an actual birth phobia. I used to google “birth phobia” every single night of my pregnancy. I mean I was genuinely terrified of the pain, the unknown, and the confidence that I could actually do it. My “ideal birth” was to be under general anesthesia and wake up with a baby in my arms.

But that’s not really how it works in the medical world 🙃

To put my mind at ease, I enlisted the help of a doula. Someone who could advocate for me during my birth, provide emotional support for my partner and me, and act as a mediator between the medical staff. We also wanted to be as prepared as possible because first-time parents have no chill. We went to the police station to check the car seat, took childbirth classes, and took infant CPR. We felt like we were as prepared as we could be - for the most part.

At midnight when I was 38+2, I thought I was having the routine Braxton Hicks. However, a couple hours later I was having contractions every 10 minutes or so. We called the doctor who told us to rest and have something to eat. But things started to pick up rapidly when the contractions were every 5 minutes lasting a minute. We kissed Lenny, our Boston terrier, goodbye and called my in-laws to come pick him up.

We arrived at the hospital and I was admitted at 4 cm. I had my music going, I was doing my stretches, and everything seemed alright for a bit. Then they really started to pick up and I was like well you know what, “I could go for that epidural right now.” I ended up getting it at 6 cm at 7:00 am and took some time to sleep and relax. By 10:00 am I was 10 cm and ready to push. However, Lila’s heart rate dropped twice and about 20 people came into the room with panicked looks on their faces. Alec and I locked eyes and I immediately felt fear and dread. Were we going to lose our baby? Would anything happen to me? Our doula explained it was up to us to make the decision about a C-section but a decision needed to be made quickly. So I signed the papers in an emotionally hazy drug fog. They wheeled me into the operating room and Alec had to wait outside - thanks Covid October 2020👍🏼

I remember looking at the lights on the ceiling of the operating room just praying for a healthy and safe delivery. I looked around frantically, teeth chattering, arms shaking from the adrenaline. Finally, Alec was able to come into the room and the doctors said “You’re going to feel a lot of pulling and tugging.” I felt tons of pressure and then the most beautiful cry from our baby girl. Alec was able to cut the cord and bring her over to me. Closing up after the surgery took a bit so Alec was escorted back to the room with Lila.

It’s so funny to think about her birth now because I had never in my wildest dreams thought about getting a C-section. In my mind when I thought of delivery I just envisioned “vaginal birth.” For anyone that says that a C-section is the easy way out they are out of their minds. The recovery was so much harder than I thought it would be. Laughing, crying, twisting, getting up and down, and sitting all really hurt. I could barely walk for days and had to use my abdominal binder just to complete basic tasks. Even though it wasn’t what I expected, I feel so grateful I was able to experience her birth and know she made a safe and healthy entrance into this world.

If you want specific items we used check out my hospital shopping guide HERE!


a journey through postpartum


Brodie’s Birth Story