Planning Your Week as a SAHM

Staying  Connected

Believe it or not, I am actually a pretty introverted person. I find I am the most comfortable with my friends and family and will not actively seek out being the center of attention. However, that does not mean that I am not a social person. I enjoy chatting, catching up, and connecting with people. After all, hanging out with a baby doesn’t make for the most engaging conversations. Here are some ways I combat loneliness and try to stay engaged with others:

  1. I reach out to my friends regularly either by text or phone call. Even just a simple text saying “I’m thinking of you, hope you’re doing well” can go a long way. 

  2. I listen to podcasts regularly. Even though I’m not actively participating in the conversation, it’s nice to be able to listen to something intellectually stimulating.

  3. I try to make conversation with other adults when I’m out and about. This one is going to depend a lot on how much connection you are craving. Some people are just dying to get out of the house and other people might want to be left alone. If you’re like me, I’m not going to the library story time to hear the story. I am going to socialize and interact with adults. Kids are an easy gateway to conversation. I know it seems ridiculous but people love talking about their kids and I guarantee you they are probably wanting to chat with another adult also. If you feel awkward here are a few conversation starters:

    1. How old are your kids? What are their names?

    2. Do you live in the area? How long have you lived there?

    3. Etc. etc. it will flow I promise! 

If You Like Structure, Plan Your Weeks Ahead of Time

Prior to being a stay-at-home mom, I was a full-time teacher. I arrived early, stayed late, and was the recording secretary for the school committee on top of my classroom responsibilities. When I started staying home with my first, it became abundantly clear just how long the days could be without a little bit of structure. Having something on the agenda not only gave me something to look forward to, but it also allowed me and my daughter to feel connected to the outside world. 

Here is a basic rundown of how I structure the weeks as a SAHM

  1. The first thing I do is look in my phone calendar and see if I have anything scheduled or planned for the upcoming week such as dentist appointments, playdates, etc. 

  2. The next thing I do is check the weather. Is it going to be hot, cold, rainy, snowy? What are some things I can plan for ahead of time that we could do?

  3. The third thing I do is check my local calendars and event pages for upcoming events for kids. The local guide I use for Seacoast NH is Seacoast Kids Calendar. Your area may have a calendar of local events or a Facebook group you can check out. I also look at the local library schedules if an event is happening but isn’t posted in Secaost Kids. 

    1. My PRO tip for stay-at-home moms is finding events that are FREE. Don’t get me wrong I love the paid classes and experiences, but it can really add up. Especially if you’re on one salary. 

    2. Examples of free activities are:

      1. Library story times

      2. Playgrounds

      3. Picnic lunches

      4. Playdates with friends

      5. Sometimes local community centers have “playgroups” that are free and open to the public. They are structured more like free/open play with toys and games. Waypoint and Families First are places on the Seacoast that hold weekly groups. 

  4. The last thing I do is write a list in the “Notes” section of my phone. The list will include a range of dates, days of the week, and the time and location of the activity. It’s probably old school, but I love the simplicity 🙃

It might look something like this:

Monday: Madbury Storytime @10 

Tuesday: Playdate at Swasey Park @9:30

Wednesday: Ballet @9:30

Thursday: Kids’ dentist appointments @8:30 and 9:00 

Friday: Swim lessons @10:30

Saturday: Date Night 

Sunday: Yard Work

This is just an example. But just knowing we have one-morning activity or outing really helps break up the day.

Take Up a Hobby

Alright, I really need to take my own advice on this one. As a SAHM, all of my responsibilities meld into caregiving for everyone else. I find myself constantly doing laundry, dishes, preparing meals, changing diapers, providing snacks, etc. And then there’s absolutely nothing left for me. So, I have decided now is the time to do something that is just for me. Giving me the opportunity to recharge, reset, and reboot so my emotional tank remains full and not depleted. 

Here are some hobbies I am thinking of doing or enjoy doing:

  • Baking 

  • Scrapbooking

  • Weaving 

  • Dance 

I am trying to be more intentional with my time by doing something creative or proactive instead of just sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone.


Overall, being at home can feel overwhelming and daunting at times. But I hope these simple tips can help make your weeks feel more enjoyable and manageable!


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